Thursday, 17 January 2013

CSS Books

Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 Studio Techniques: Designing and Developing for Mobile with jQuery, HTML5, and CSS3 

Its widely predicted that mobile phones and tablets will overtake desktop PCs as the most common Web access devices within the next two or three years. Adobe is responding to this dramatic shift by focusing on new tools to develop websites for multiple platforms with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in Dreamweaver CS5.5. In particular, Dreamweaver engineers have been working closely with the developers of jQuery, the de-facto standard JavaScript framework, to develop jQuery Mobile.

Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates, 4 Edition

This is the must-have book for designers who want to expand their skills and improve the quality of their designs. Learning CSS technology and continually improving one's design and developer skills is essential for every Web designer in today's marketplace. The goal of Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates is to educate beginning-to-intermediate Web designers on the various issues involved with Web design through general discussion, case studies, and specific tips and techniques.


CSS3 for Web Designers

 From advanced selectors to generated content to the triumphant return of web fonts, and from gradients, shadows, and rounded corners to full-blown animations, CSS3 is a universe of creative possibilities.



Beginning CSS3

Beginning CSS3 teaches you how to style web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)the language of web design. Starting from first principles, you��ll learn through a series of practical exercises how to change the default look of HTML tags, adding color, backgrounds, and borders. The book demystifies core concepts, such as the CSS box model and selectors, giving you the confidence and knowledge to create innovative and flexible page layouts. You��ll also learn how to create rounded corners, drop shadows, and gradients without the need for images, using the latest CSS3 techniques.




Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

 If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you'll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTMLthe most common language used to write web site content. The most recent version of the language is HTML5, and it contains a whole host of new features to give you more power when creating websites.

Hello! HTML5 & CSS3: A User Friendly Reference Guide

HTML and CSS are the foundation of the web, and HTML5 and CSS3 are the latest standards. Anyone who builds web pages, mobile apps, or does any type of development at all, must master these languages.

Getting Started with XHTML and CSS

The first step in learning the fundamentals of web design is getting past acronyms like XHTML and CSS. In this user-friendly workshop, author and trainer Chad Chelius demystifies XHTML code, showing you the building blocks of a web page��s content, and explains the role that cascading style sheets (CSS) play in building web pages. You��ll learn how to gain complete control over the appearance of your web pages and how to work with links, graphics, and alt text. Finally, you��ll see how to upload your files to a server, add meta tags, and test your website, and you��ll even get a glimpse of the future of the web: HTML5 and CSS3.

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